CREATIVE ART by Pieter van Mierlo
Oil paintings and reproductions of former paintings, Pieter van Mierlo will exhibit his work in Chiang Mai, at The Empress Hotel, this January 2019. The artist has always been inspired by Gaugin’s work. Chang Puak Magazine met with this artist and got to know more about his story:
“Striving for a heaven on earth has always been the underlying motive for my acts”
- “My name is Pieter van Mierlo, born the 29th of April 1927 in Waalwijk, The Netherlands. The ambition of my youth was to become a painter, but as I grew up in a poor family and as my father was disabled, I had to go and work after high school.
After my military duties in Indonesia, I started to work as an assistant to the director of the textile factory in our village. The factory became internationaly renowed and I ended up as a principal shareholder and CEO of the company: a successful and passionate carreer of exactly forty three years long.
“ You need ideals to live for, All along your life”
Once a pensioner, my childhood dream came to reality. I studied for five years at the Art Academy in Leuven, Belgium. My love for Gaugin and the tropics made me choose and move to Thailand twenty
years ago.
Seventeen years on Koh Samui and a short stay in Bangkok, I am now living since two years in Chiang Mai... a happy and beautiful life, here in the Northern capital of Thailand.
A good life is for me as a nice painting: it will always inspire me. So it will be a great pleasure for me to meet you at what will be my last painting exhibition. Starting on the 5th January and continuing on until
the 10th of January 2019, at The Empress Hotel Chiang Mai - Noppaklao Room. (Grand opening on Sunday 6th January, from 3pm to 5pm).”